Thursday, January 26, 2023


A few days ago while walking to my car I thought to myself what brought me to this place at this time. What thought patterns, what decisions, what’s fears and insecurities, what strengths brought me to this moment in time. It was almost 6pm, I am on my way to my car, I had not seen my kids since 7am and I felt that question in my head, am I an available mom, is this really what I want to be my daily lifestyle? Is this how I want to show up to my kids? 


Many of us have these challenging questions as we review our decisions and see how we played the game of life. We went about life choosing security. Security is doing what everyone else does and expects us to do, security is staying within and conforming to the stories we were told about ourselves, security is choosing the job that pays the bills even though it does not align with who we know we are inside. Security is challenging ourselves to a point and no further. That security is limited security. 


Limitless security is unsecure at first. Its challenging ourselves outside of our comfort zone. It is taking a leap of faith, its coloring outside the box, its getting in arguments and disagreements with our loved ones who see our decisions as out of line and none conforming. Limitless security is being afraid but doing what we know is the best decision anyway. But on the other side of those challenges, pain, fear, fights and faith is the blessing of security that is limitless.


I challenge you to take the challenge.


One Love




  1. What a beautiful reflection on motherhood. So many of us question our roles as parents. Especially mother’s who wants the best die their children. We often ask if we are doing the right things, if we are are being good parents, if showing up the way we should. But what is the right way to show up?? No one really knows as we are all on a journey living different stories. Forget fear! Fear is rooted in false perceptions. You’re are where you need to be and doing exactly what needs to be done at this very moment. You’re dope Lecky, you’re in perfect harmony being the best you can be ❤️

    Another dope mom

  2. This is truly insightful, not not until you escape from those same securities will loose out on living
