Thursday, September 6, 2018

100 TIMES DOWN 1000 TIMES UP!!!!!!

When I was about 6 years old, I invited my friends over because I was intent on building a park in my yard. I grew up in rural Jamaica on an acre and a half of property. My countryside community needed a park for us kids to play, and I felt it was my responsibility to build it.

Fast forward a few decades and I'm still dreaming big, but as I aim high and miss at times I'm determined to give myself a thousand second chances. Earlier today I conversed with two very unique and different young women. One was extremely successful by many peoples' standards. She was making hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly as a young entrepreneur. The other also ventured into doing her own business but didn't hit her target financial goals. Her business not only bled her financially but could no longer sustain itself.  She had to quickly retreat to finding employment. But what I loved most about both women and the take away from both conversations was; never give up, be prepared to give yourself a 1000 second chances.

So no matter what you have been venturing into, the search for love, finding and stepping into your passion by FAITH, desiring to start a family just to name a few, completing that degree, going to med school at age 40, no matter what it is, be prepared when you fall, to give yourself a 1000 second chances.

Take it from me the real estate agent 1000 TIMES over.

You were made to fly!!!!!!!

One Love
