Thursday, March 18, 2021


Many times we are on the hunt for the next new diet that will help us loose weight. The media also does it's part in influencing the way our culture sees and defines beauty. But I believe that what's more important than losing weight is the emphasis on our health and wellness.

Pay attention to your body and what you put inside your body. This means reading labels and paying attention to how we feel after we eat. For example, I know for sure a yummy sandwich in the morning will impact my level of exhaustion, increase my appetite and have me feeling crummy throughout the day. Pay attention to the foods and activities that fuels your energy. 

Here are a few things I learned just by paying attention.
1. My children's juice only had 5% juice
2. My cereal was made from genetically modified ingredients.
3. Staying hydrated decreased my allergic reaction to wheat.

Before doing a diet begin paying attention to the food we eat and the way our food affects how we feel.

One Love

Friday, March 12, 2021

Creating a Development Plan

As I started this year and began thinking about areas where I'm lacking in growth and expertise I realized that my focus goal should be more about development versus some of the other goals that I had set for myself. 

Make your first goal a development plan. What is a development plan? Well a development plan is a goal to become more competent or knowledgeable in an area that you aspire to master. It doesn't always include going back to a physical classroom. For example I have two children in the toddler age range and setting boundaries and discipline is always a challenge. My goal is to set aside time to learn more about child development and strategies to raising young children. I bought a book on how to discipline toddlers and on child psychology. For me to become a better parent I need to read and educate myself and implement strategies that work for my children. 

There has never been a better time in human history where knowledge is literally at our finger tips. Make use of it. Create a development plan to help you advance.

Happy Summer if you're a New Yorker.

One Love

Thursday, March 4, 2021


 While sleeping I was in the middle of a nightmare when it dawned on me that this was in fact a dream and I had the power to change the ending.

The beauty of the past is that we already went through it and the beauty of the future is that we have the ability to create it. 

When feelings of fear, doubt and lack of confidence seem to rob us of our drive, step into the drivers seat and unleash your power. For many years I've been a spectator in my life versus an active participant. I have now come  to learn that the greats in this world despite their fear and lack of confidence they muscled up the strength to push through.

Be your own hero, become the person you aspire to be. It takes hard work, confidence and lots of faith. But if we are to win, if we are to have break throughs, we have to push forward in confidence.

Run towards your dream.

One Love
