I have always liked the theme songs of various Disney animated movies. The theme song for the Disney movie Moana which features "girl strength" is worth listening to.
The song talks about the challenges of stepping out of your comfort zone, challenging yourself and the fear of the unknown. How many times have we found ourselves afraid to step out and prove to ourselves (not anyone else) that we can do what we have always dreamed of doing? I believe many of us hold ourselves back because of our fear and the challenges that comes along with the pursuit of our dream.
I remember listening to Steve Harvey tell the story of how he lived out of his car earlier in his career and even lost his family, in pursuit of his dream. So many show what they have accomplished, most people do not talk about the challenges that accompany the road to success. Not just the sleepless nights or the time spent working hard; but the loss of income, doing odd jobs performing menial tasks that hardly meets your financial needs. In the movie the pursuit of happiness the main character lost his home and his marriage. Motivational speaker Les Brown talks about the time he had to sleep in his office because he had no where to live. Though these are very extreme situations understand that anything in life that you stand up for, no matter what it is, be prepared to be challenged, to be frowned upon, to lose a lot in your quest for greatness. Be prepared to lose your closest friends or at the very least, have them voice their opinions on how wrong you are.
Stand for what you know is true, stand for what you know is right, stand for what you believe in. You will be happy that you did.
Never stop believing, you were made to fly.
One Love