Monday, July 23, 2018


Get inspired. God got your back. According to my BFF, "He's dope like that".

I am going through one of the biggest tests of my faith. But God reminded me today that He got my back.

I had a conversation with a sister friend of mine today and as we spoke about various people in the bible who endured intense tests or persecution, something jumped out at us. It was so profound, I just had to share. Do you really believe that God has placed within you a desire and a dream  and that He needs you to focus on Him as He leads you to your destiny? As we spoke about the story of Daniel, she said to me "even in captivity, Daniel was made a ruler". Can you imagine, the captive ruling the people who held Him captive? What a mighty God we serve. Then it dawned on me, not only did Daniel rule while in captivity, but Joseph was prime minister of Egypt while in captivity.


What ever is holding you captive, remember you were created to become a leader, a ruler. But on your way to your destiny you have to go through those tests that are geared towards building your character and strengthening your determination. The quicker you learn the lesson, the quicker the test is removed. Learn quickly, build quickly, grow quickly. Getting through these periods are painful but important. My best friend said to me "you will know the magnitude of the lesson by the magnitude of the test". How do we learn? Well spend time focusing on knowing the being who placed within you a Divinely ordained purpose. Spend time praying.

One Love