Monday, March 18, 2019


When I wrote my last blog I justified stepping back into my comfort zone, I justified what I call " building my business while working a 9 to 5". But if the truth be told, I am where I am because I fear stepping into my greatness. I am where I am, because I am afraid to use my gift to sell myself. I am where I am because I choose to be a home owner with a mortgage versus a home owner with multiple income producing properties. I am where I am because every year, I have amazing plans but I fail to execute. I am where I am, because the year that I had home with my son, I SHOULD have perfected my craft, instead I accepted what others said my lot would be. Subconsciously I believed them and instead of working harder, and smarter, and better, I sabotaged myself with mediocrity. I am where I am because even though my greatness is next to me, God cannot bless me, because I am not yet at the level of maturity that He requires of me.

So when my five year old cries when I cannot get her from school early because I'm hustling two jobs or struggling to get home after a two hour commute, I can only blame me. And when my one year old holds on to my legs when I drop him off at the baby sitter and cries because he does not want me to leave him, I can only blame me. And when my husband reminds me of the pending car payments that financially stretch us, I can only blame myself.

Poverty is not a curse. It's a state of mind.

"And prove me now says the Lord of host if I will not open to you the windows of Heaven and pour you out such a blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it." The Bible.

One Love

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