Monday, February 20, 2017

Falling In Love

I am so in love, very much in love, head over heels in love and its giving me goose pimples. It's the type of love that captivates you, sweeps you off your feet. So who am I in love with? I'm in love with me.

Self love is one of those things we automatically assume that we have, but our actions may not necessarily tell the same story. For example, are we taking care of our bodies or are we engaging in habits that are depleting us? Are we nurturing our relationships or are we taking them for granted? Or are we renewing our spirit or are we taking our spiritual growth for granted?

Taking care of our bodies:

  • We need to becoming more aware of what we eat, we can do this by planning our meals as opposed to grabbing stuff on the go. We don't have to be a green juicer in order to be healthy, but truly understanding that a healthy body is a gift that must be cherished and that most health issues we encounter especially in the United States are diet related. That being said, in order for us to truly be in love with ourselves,  we need to really be more particular about what we eat, how much we eat and when we eat. We need to incorporate eating practices that really nourish us. (I am currently on a "change my diet" journey, I will share that at a later date) Exercise- for me I've found engaging in speed walking way more effective in keeping me toned and looking and feeling healthy vs going to the gym (though both do work for me). Find the exercise regimen that works for you and incorporate it into your daily life. Each persons' needs and body is different so you don't have to do what someone else is doing, but be proactive in finding the right regimen and stick to it. (Some people say having an exercise partner works well for them). Water- we should not take our water consumption for granted. I believe most of us, myself included do not get sufficient water on a daily basis. But drinking sufficient water is such an important part of keeping healthy (and having beautiful radiant skin).

Nurturing Our Relationships:
  • Quality time spent appreciating our loved ones is so important. It is so easy to take the ones closest to us for granted. But spending quality time with them, listening to them (sometimes I really need to listen more and talk less), uplifting and encouraging them is so important. Randomly sending that "I'm thinking about you or, I'm praying for you" text to a friend or putting down the phone, muting the TV when our child or spouse is talking to us shows that we are actively listening vs just being there. Truly listening to the other persons' side in an argument is also helpful in diffusing arguments. Also, not engaging in bashing our loved ones.

Renewing Our Spirit:
  • This should have been first. I believe that this sets the tone for everything else in our lives. Begining our days with gratefulness and giving thanks. Plugging into God, prayerfully asking for guidance and direction. Spending quiet time to appreciate the beauty that is around us and focusing on the positive. It's mid day in winter yet I'm hearing the birds chirping and I'm in NY city. There are noises all around me, yet I'm only tuned into the chirping of the birds. If you have never done it before, try spending quiet, alone time, first thing in the morning, and practice being grateful. It will set the tone for your day. You will be very pleased.

There are many ways to engage in self love, please share your thoughts on loving ones self. I would love to get your feedback. Also, if my blog has added value to your day, please follow, leave a comment and share on your various social media pages.

One Love

Monday, February 6, 2017

Unplugging in Order to Be Plugged In.

The Problem:

After two hours of what was supposed to be a few quick minutes glancing on facebook, I thought to myself, I've had enough, I just lost time. This time could have been spent reading, playing with my child or doing something that I've always wanted to do. We always think we are so strapped for time. Never enough time in the day to get all the things we need to get done, actually done. The question is, are we really strapped for time, or are we focused on things that actually waste our time? Think about it, how much time do we accumulate being plugged into our electronic gadgets and in social media and gossip columns?

So I've Decided to:

Unplug. Plain and simple. Yes I have an Instagram and a Facebook and a twitter. I also know from personal experience that me saying that I'm going to limit my time on these sites isn't going to work. So the alternative is to create a timetable reinforced by my stop watch. If it's half hour per day, that's it, I better make the most of it in that half hour.

Plugging In:

Plugging into more positive, mind stimulating activities. For example, getting down on the ground to play with my toddler, reading a book that I always wanted to read, exercising, listing to podcasts that enrich my soul, most importantly, spending a lot more time with God.

My Advise:

Determine by writing on a piece of paper what is the stimulant that starts your gadget or social media binge. Are you bored, lonely, tired, afraid, sad, excited? Whatever it is, figure out what it is. Then create a time table. Allot only a certain amount of time for your indulgence, when that time expires, it expires. Then find an activity that brings you joy and spend that time doing the activity that you love. Please unplug and get plugged in with me.

One Love

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Home Made Body Scrub to Die for.

With all the things on my plate these days, pampering myself is probably the last that actually gets done.  I must stress this is a very bad habit since we cannot be available for others if we ourselves are depleted.

I'm in love with skin and body care so imagine how delighted I was when I learned how simple and easy it was to create a sugar body scrub. I promise you that you will be delighted with how it makes your skin feel. If you're skeptical at first, then only try on your hands and feet.


  • Brown Sugar
  • Olive or Almond oil
  • Lemon juice
You can control your consistency but to create a small amount for my hands I usually use 2 table spoons of brown sugar, 1 table spoon olive or almond oil, 2 table spoons lemon juice. No need to moisturize after. Just pat dry.

Please give it a try and leave me a comment below. Also please follow my blog.

One Love

Sunday, January 15, 2017

How Lemon and Garlic Saved me from the Flu

New York winters are hard on my toddler's health. I call it the two weeks on two weeks off season for catching colds. I can almost bet she's going to get sick each winter season and not only will she get a cold, but, I will get a cold from her as well.

Last week she got very sick, this time with the flu. Within two days my husband got sick from interacting with her. I decided to fortify myself with as many home remedies that I could find. I had gotten a post from someone regarding the health benefits of lemon skin in addition to lemon juice and so I decided why not give making lemon tea part of my morning ritual. So each morning for the last week first thing I would make myself tea with lemon peel and lemon juice. Later in the day I would make this tea again but add garlic. There were times when I felt the onset of a cold or flu in my throat and after drinking my tea, eventually it went away. I'm happy I've been spared. If only I could get my toddler to drink it as well.

  • Lemon juice
  • Lemon skin
  • Honey 
  • Garlic
  • Boiling water
Place garlic, lemon juice and lemon skin in a mug, add boiling water and steep for 5 minutes. Sweeten with honey to your taste. You can also add all 3 in a pot and bring to a boil for a more concentrated flavor. 

One Love

Thursday, January 5, 2017

GOALS!!!! Make Em!!!!Keep Em!!!! 2017

There is something fresh and new about a new year. And though I believe we can start working on our goals at any time, the new year tends to provide a fresh start, a clean slate, a new leaf. Why not challenge ourselves to make 2017 the year of greatness.

This video moved and inspired me so much, I had to share. I will warm, it is on the lengthy side, but I'm sure you will be motivated and inspired.


Tuesday, December 27, 2016


Today I listened to Steve Harvey speak about his new book entitled "Jump". Jumping means stepping out of your comfort zone and using your God given talents to create the life that you want.

Many mornings I've awaken and thought to myself that I have not created the life that I want for myself. My drive is not so much the money as it is about doing what I want in life. I know that my gifts and talents are underutilized and I know that there is something else that God has planned for me but I'm not living my purpose. This is despite the fact that I have completed grad school and am working in my field, but from the start I wasn't in love with my chosen field and even though I don't hate my job, it won't ever bring me joy.

My thirst for more is what's currently propelling me to jump. I read a quote once that stated "when God is about to do something great in our lives he will bring us to a Jericho". I believe that I have come to my Jericho and it is time for me to close the chapter of complacency and procrastination and move forward into creating the life that God has set in store for me. Truth be told I am extremely afraid because jumping doesn't just affect me it will affect my whole family. Jumping calls for courage, jumping calls for grit, sleepless nights tearful nights, watchful nights, prayerful nights.

If you have awaken and felt the pang of sadness that comes from knowing you are far off course from God's purpose for your life then JUMP WITH ME.


Monday, March 21, 2016


Yesterday I screamed!!!!! And it was loud and it was angry and it was clear. I screamed because I was tired, I screamed because I wanted to be heard, I screamed because I wanted to accomplish my goals, I screamed because I wanted to be a super mom, I screamed because I wanted to have it all together (if there is such a thing). I screamed because I am a week behind in my assignments for my capstone, I screamed because I have been working too many weekends without a break, I screamed because I wanted to be sexy and in shape. But it just seemed like it wasn't coming together. So today, I prayed, I prayed.

Having it all together, is no walk in the park. I am learning that there is no such thing as getting it all together, no matter where you are in life, there is always the feeling of not having it all. As humans, we tend to place so much pressure on ourselves wanting to over achieve and multitask. And it only gets worse when you live in a place like NY where the competition is fierce. Please do not get me wrong, I am an advocate for hard work and moving towards living your dreams and putting your best foot forward, but even those things have their place.

Create a space-that space that allows you to unwind, that space that allows you to look from the outside in. For me my space is finding time to read and write. Its my time to unwind, when all I hear are the clicks of the keys on my computer while I write, or the crunching of the pages as I read. But its in these sounds that I find peace. It allows me to see myself for who I am and my vision for my life becomes crystal clear.

Managing time- This is all about setting priorities and being clear about what your priorities are. I am sometime amazed at how I can sit at my computer at work and its only within a few minutes before I clock out that I remember something important that I didn't get done. This would have been avoided by managing my time effectively.

Never compare yourself- We all have those friends who seem to have it all together. Maybe that person does, or don't who cares, whats most important is focusing on my issues and not allowing myself to fall into a state where I am comparing myself to others.

So my prayer was answered after I screamed, God said, be ye still.

I'm listening Lord.

Please share your thoughts on getting it all together or maybe you had your day when you too screamed. And share this blog with your friends. 
