Have you ever heard the story of the tortoise and the hare? One day the hare decided to tease the tortoise for being slow. The tortoise then challenged the hare to a race. The hare thinking this was a sure win accepted the challenge. The day came and they started off. As expected the hare was leading the race until nearing the finish line he decided to rest and soon fell asleep. After sleeping for hours, he hurridly jumped up and raced to the finish line, only to realise that the tortoise had gotten to the finish line before him and therefore won the race.
Many morals can be learned from this story, but I'll focus on the most obvious ones.
1. No rush needed. It's a good idea to pace ourselves when working towards accomplishing our goals. It doesn't mean that we don't set high goals or have great expectations. Always remember slow and steady wins the race. As I have said before, micro goals are your best friend. This works great with exercising. It's best to not start going hard or with maximum intensity. Work on winning the small steps or goals that will lead to accomplishing the bigger goal.
2. Dont be sleeping on your dream. Nothing can be accomplished unless we decide to work at it. Keep on trying, dreaming, believing but most importantly, continue working at bringing those dreams and desires to reality. Consistency is key. Doesn't matter how long it may take you to accomplish that goal, keep working at it.
3. Never compare yourself. I believe that everyone has a purpose or calling. No two people are alike. It's never a good idea to spend time belittling others or ourselves. Just be your best self, bring your "A" game and find fulfillment in your blessings.
Sometimes being still or being patient allows us to see clearly the path we need to be on. Slow and steady wins the race. No rush, be patient. You will get there safely and at the right time. For slow and Steady wins the race.
Thanks to Kaity my little princess for introducing me to this Esop' s fable.
You were made to fly
One Love