Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Home Made Body Scrub to Die for.

With all the things on my plate these days, pampering myself is probably the last that actually gets done.  I must stress this is a very bad habit since we cannot be available for others if we ourselves are depleted.

I'm in love with skin and body care so imagine how delighted I was when I learned how simple and easy it was to create a sugar body scrub. I promise you that you will be delighted with how it makes your skin feel. If you're skeptical at first, then only try on your hands and feet.


  • Brown Sugar
  • Olive or Almond oil
  • Lemon juice
You can control your consistency but to create a small amount for my hands I usually use 2 table spoons of brown sugar, 1 table spoon olive or almond oil, 2 table spoons lemon juice. No need to moisturize after. Just pat dry.

Please give it a try and leave me a comment below. Also please follow my blog.

One Love

Sunday, January 15, 2017

How Lemon and Garlic Saved me from the Flu

New York winters are hard on my toddler's health. I call it the two weeks on two weeks off season for catching colds. I can almost bet she's going to get sick each winter season and not only will she get a cold, but, I will get a cold from her as well.

Last week she got very sick, this time with the flu. Within two days my husband got sick from interacting with her. I decided to fortify myself with as many home remedies that I could find. I had gotten a post from someone regarding the health benefits of lemon skin in addition to lemon juice and so I decided why not give making lemon tea part of my morning ritual. So each morning for the last week first thing I would make myself tea with lemon peel and lemon juice. Later in the day I would make this tea again but add garlic. There were times when I felt the onset of a cold or flu in my throat and after drinking my tea, eventually it went away. I'm happy I've been spared. If only I could get my toddler to drink it as well.

  • Lemon juice
  • Lemon skin
  • Honey 
  • Garlic
  • Boiling water
Place garlic, lemon juice and lemon skin in a mug, add boiling water and steep for 5 minutes. Sweeten with honey to your taste. You can also add all 3 in a pot and bring to a boil for a more concentrated flavor. 

One Love

Thursday, January 5, 2017

GOALS!!!! Make Em!!!!Keep Em!!!! 2017

There is something fresh and new about a new year. And though I believe we can start working on our goals at any time, the new year tends to provide a fresh start, a clean slate, a new leaf. Why not challenge ourselves to make 2017 the year of greatness.

This video moved and inspired me so much, I had to share. I will warm, it is on the lengthy side, but I'm sure you will be motivated and inspired.
