Sunday, March 18, 2018


Have you ever heard the story of the tortoise and the hare? One day the hare decided to tease the tortoise for being slow. The tortoise then challenged the hare to a race. The hare thinking this was a sure win accepted the challenge. The day came and they started off. As expected the hare was leading the race until nearing the finish line he decided to rest and soon fell asleep. After sleeping for hours, he hurridly jumped up and raced to the finish line, only to realise that the tortoise had gotten to the finish line before him and therefore won the race.

Many morals can be learned from this story, but I'll focus on the most obvious ones.

1. No rush needed. It's a good idea to pace ourselves when working towards accomplishing our goals. It doesn't mean that we don't set high goals or have great expectations. Always remember slow and steady wins the race. As I have said before, micro goals are your best friend. This works great with exercising. It's best to not start going hard or with maximum intensity. Work on winning the small steps or goals that will lead to accomplishing the bigger goal.

2. Dont be sleeping on your dream. Nothing can be accomplished unless we decide to work at it. Keep on trying, dreaming, believing but most importantly, continue working at bringing those dreams and desires to reality. Consistency is key. Doesn't matter how long it may take you to accomplish that goal, keep working at it.

3. Never compare yourself. I believe that everyone has a purpose or calling. No two people are alike. It's never a good idea to spend time belittling others or ourselves. Just be your best self, bring your "A" game and find fulfillment in your blessings.

Sometimes being still or being patient allows us to see clearly the path we need to be on. Slow and steady wins the race. No rush, be patient. You will get there safely and at the right time. For slow and Steady wins the race.

Thanks to Kaity my little princess for introducing me to this Esop' s fable.

You were made to fly

One Love

Monday, February 26, 2018


After spending my morning watching motivational videos about work ethic, it dawned on me just how much I'm lacking and how much I desire to work way harder. Many of us desire greatness and admire people who have accomplished much in their lives. But are we committed to putting in that level of work and dedication to bring our ambitions to life?

That's the question that I have been asking myself over and over again. Truly winning requires an obsession with the desired result. There is a saying that winners win and losers loose. The reason for that is the difference in mindset, not mental ability, mindset. 

Whatever you want to accomplish in life, don't just merely want it, become obsessed with it. Not disregarding the spiritual of course. But begin spending time doing the hard part. The part that removes us from our comfort zone. Success in anything isn't run by feelings and emotions, it's run by principle and discipline. 

Begin your mornings with routines that gear you towards success. It will make a difference in your daily decisions, in your career and in your life. Become inspired, motivated and most importantly work hard.

Don't walk, you were made to fly.

One Love

Sunday, February 11, 2018


The other day I spent 1 hour and 46 minutes stuck in traffic on the Staten island expressway with my 3year old daughter. Trying desperately to get to the Verazzano bridge. Please note that what should be a 10 minute commute under normal circumstances, turned into a horrible start to my day.

This ordeal taught me a few lessons that I found to be very applicable to my quest for greatness.

1. Highway service lane: There are no short cuts to success. Instead of taking the major highway, I decided to take a shortcut by staying on the service lane, thinking it would be quicker. That turned into a disaster. The highway moved much quicker than the service lane did. But the lesson that I learned was that in our quest for growth and greatness, taking a short cut will end up detrimental or disastrous. It's best to stay on the right path.

2. Highway Billboard: While driving I happened to zone in on a billboard advertisement which read "High rise, fire and security". I would like to rephrase that Rise High, fire vs security. In other words at times, for us to rise high, we have to leave the security aka our comfort zone and accept or go through fire or very trying situations. Success never comes easy.

3. The HOV Lane: Take others with you. In order for me to jump into the HOV lane, I needed to have two other people in the car with me. In life in order to gain a level of success, we have to take others with us. Partnerships and mentorship are essential to our growth.

Regardless of the circumstances you find yourself in, zone in on the little nuggets that can bring lots of motivation. They are all around us, even while stuck in traffic on the highway.

One Love

Saturday, December 23, 2017


I remember the look on my dad's face when I announced to him that I was going to study abroad. I had flunked high school, merely got accepted to college and was continuing the trend of failure. It's not that I didn't care at all about doing well, I just wasn't focused.

A year into college my dad lost his job and I was forced to leave school and find a job. As I saw my college classmates graduate and move on, I decided I didn't want to return there, I wanted a fresh start, a new environment. I wanted to be successful.

So I made the decision that I wanted to study abroad. And with my C's and a few D's neatly written on my well tucked away transcript, I boarded the plane to NY.

Everything was supposed to be against me
1. I came to the US with one semesters tuition- instead, I wasn't kicked out for none payment.
2. I was an international student paying out of state fees- instead I graduated without student loans
3. I always got low grades- instead I graduated with a 3.7 GPA
4. I didn't have a job offer when I came here- instead I always got a job on campus and off campus as well to help sustain myself.

Circumstances at times become the fuel that drives us. For me it was the embarrassment of having to go back to a school when all my friends had graduated, having to find the tuition to complete school each semester and the embarrassment of being a failure. That sparked in me a desire to excel.

Allow your dark moments to fuel your drive for greatness. Don't allow yourself to be sucked in by them, instead grow. Continue reaching for the stars. You were made to fly.

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.

One Love

Monday, December 11, 2017


Every season brings its blessings and autumn is definitely no exception. I love the crispness of the air when September rolls around. My mood and emotions change as I begin looking towards getting together with friends and family.

Autumn identifies itself by the shedding of leaves which happens regardless of the temperature during the season. And we know to look forward to it, because it happens every single year. A few lessons can be learned from autumn which I believe are worth taking note of, and are applicable to our lives today.

1. Autumn signifies shedding or letting go of the old. Think about it, would it make sense if we had spring and no fall? Can you imagine how crowded and over grown the trees would become? In our own personal lives, what are the thoughts, fears, activities, relationships, friendships, habits, past failures that we are holding on to that are worth letting go. For us to move forward and go into another orbit, we have to let go of those things that we know are holding us back. TD Jakes said "when we hold on to our past, we do so at the expense of our destiny". It is important to take inventory of our life, take note of those things in our lives that need shedding, and shed them. The bible speaks of the pruning. This is another example of getting rid of the old and making way for the new.

2. The falling of the leaves happen regardless of the temperature of the season. Once the month of September rolls around, the leaves begin to change and the fall happens. It can be a warm autumn, or it can be a cold autumn, it doesn't change the outcome, fall still happens. We must know our season to let go of the old, and we should make that decision regardless of what others may think or feel. Our calling to greatness is by divine design and should not be handled lightly. Therefore when you know in your heart the time has come, it is movement time. Do not allow others opinions or the activities that are going on in our lives (the temperature) to prevent us from making our decision to move forward.

3. Autumn's shedding, leaves the trees bare for winter's assaults. When we let go of those things in our lives that prevent our growth, we become vulnerable to life's assaults. It is during these times that we may become criticized, or life just seems to become harder. The road to greatness, is never straight and easy, but has many challenges that are essential for building strength, endurance, growth and tenacity. These challenges stretch us and prepare us to handle the breaking point. And for us to make it through each challenge we have to have grit.

4. Autumn leaves us open for the miracle of spring. Letting go of the old, allows us to be prepared for spring. The falling of the leaves onto the ground provides nourishment for the soil which intern nourishes the trees for a better spring. Death to self always creates a new person. Therefore letting go of the old is essential to growth.

What are the life's lessons that you have learned from the autumn season. Please share them with me. I would love to hear them.

One Love

Thursday, November 23, 2017


When you have truly hit your rock bottom, and you know you have put your absolute best forward, never, ever give up, keep on hoping, keep on believing, keep on working, your break through is around the corner.

In those moments when your break through doesn't seem like it's coming to fruition spend time:

1. Evaluating your actions. Have you really tried hard enough or are you still short changing yourself by not putting forth your absolute best.
2. Brainstorm to find other ways or techniques you can employ to maximize on your efforts.
3. Get a mentor, someone who has excelled in your desired field and draw information from them. Have them guide you.
4. Do a thorough research in your field, maybe you are missing something that can assist in your growth.
5. Relax, your break through is around the corner.

One of my favorite stories in the bible, is the story of Joseph. Before he was elevated he had truly hit his rock bottom. Think about it, how much lower could he have gone? But there are two things Joseph did that we should pay close attention to and imitate:

  • He never allowed his resume to grow cold. Even in jail, he continuously put forward his best, having excellent work ethic and constantly growing. Lesson: Never slack off even at the bottom. 

  • He worked his network of friends. By asking his jail mate who was about to be released to remember him when he got elevated he was able to secure the second highest honor in Egypt. Lesson: Work your list of contacts, you never know who will assist in your growth.

Please stay true to your calling, don't get discouraged. You were made to fly.

One Love

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


THE HABIT PROJECT: HAVING EXCELLENT VISION: I remember sitting in my car one day praying about making a particular decision in my life, and really wondering if God was hearing me. Afte...