Friday, March 1, 2019


I had to make a decision. Very critical and important decision. Do I continue building my business, do I step away from it totally and just get a job or do I do them both? It was obvious, relying on the income I was getting from my business was merely making ends meet. I knew the possibility for growth and success were there, but being a new mom and a new home owner, it really was not adding up.

The Decision:

So I decided to build my business while working full time. This in and of itself is a challenge. A very big challenge. Here are my tips for doing them both.

1. Be practical about your time: Be aware of how you spend every minute of your day. You can take time evaluation by writing down the things you do hourly.

2. Every minute counts: There is no time for wasting time. Every free opportunity is important to getting work done. For example I spend my lunch time checking emails and my train time responding to my customers. I also make them aware of my schedule that way they don't bombard me with phone calls when I am at my regular job.

3. Take your business seriously: Have serious financial goals and put on paper how you intend to reach your goals. Not because you are accountable to your self means that you won't put your absolute best foot forward. Hold yourself to a higher standard, pay attention to details. If becoming better at your craft calls for taking classes or networking, schedule those into your time and take them seriously.

4. Be disciplined: There is literally no time for rest when you are serious about building your business. I wish that was not the case but honestly its full time on top of full time. It takes persistence when things are just not working out, it takes hard work, and a lot of self motivation.

5. Be passionate: If you do not love your business, it will not thrive. Do what you love, then it won't feel like work.

6. Block out the negativity: Well wishing friends and family members will be the first to remind you that you will not be successful. They won't say it that bluntly. They typically are experts on being practical. Do not listen to them. Having the drive to persevere means that you have to be your biggest cheer leader, you have to be your biggest fan. Feed your mind with the things that will inspire and uplift. Letting go of your business is just not an option.

7. Do not compare yourself: This has been my hardest challenge. I look on others who are successful and at times wonder what's the difference, why are they successful and I am not. Every one is wired differently, each person's reality is different. Put in place the right strategies suitable for your financial situation, bearing in mind how each decision will affect your family structure and even your spiritual life.

Enjoy the hard work of building because in the end it is rewarding. Just be obsessed with it.

One Love

Thursday, February 21, 2019


Just wanted to share with you that you are amazing, special, unique and precious. 

1. List 3 talents that you have that makes you unique

2. List 3 activities that you enjoy doing when you are by yourself

3. List 3 things about yourself that no one else may know

4. List 3 reasons you are a special friend to someone

5. List 3 reasons you are special, unique and talented in your own way.

Reread your list and let it uplift your day.

" I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made" Psalm 149 vs 14.

One Love

Friday, February 1, 2019


A few days ago I had a few events that sort of changed my perspective on life. Not that I was being fed new information, but it came through so forcefully that I had to pause and listen as these experiences spoke to me.

As I stood listening to the musician playing skillfully in the subway I said to myself, when was the last time I just sat and listened to jazz being played in a jazz club? Life at times can have us so caught up in the day to day happenings in our lives that we forget to just live a little.

Earlier that day I received a copy of a bill from my husband which was geared towards updating me on our financial obligations. And though important I just could not help thinking about a man I met less than an hour earlier who spoke about his experience with cancer. This man got diagnosed when his third child was six weeks old. It took him by surprise. What was a routine visit to his doctor after a surgery turned out to be a diagnoses that left him with two fingers amputated. It just so happened to coincide with me reading "Becoming" by Michelle Obama. I learned a valuable lesson that day both from this cancer survivor and "Becoming" I learned that in life you have to just live. Life brings with it many challenges, financial and otherwise. Many of us, myself included desire and even work aggressively towards gaining financial and academic success. But one thing that I believe we should never lose sight of is the ability to just live. Begin enjoying and reveling in the little things in life that bring us joy. Do not get so caught up in life and all the troubles that it brings, we forget to just live.

So here's my dedication to rolling in the snow with Kaity or dancing to the music in the subway. Because when all is said and done after I'm gone life goes on as usual. But I would have already been dead if I forgot to "JUST LIVE".

One Love

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

WINNING IN 2019!!!!!

2018 went out with a bang. As quickly as it began it was over. This has been one of my most challenging years to date, but it has also been the one that I learned the most about myself and most importantly the most about God's love, tolerance, guidance and patience.

In 2018 I embarked on being a realtor and boy did that have its UPS!!! and DOWNS!!!!... I've had those challenges within myself of what am I worth, my confidence, believing in myself. I fought to keep things a float only to merely keep my nose above the currents. This year was a challenge. But the most amazing part about 2018 was the way God stayed a constant in my life. He spoke to me guided me, molded me and allowed me to glimpse His purpose. I have always defined success from a financial perspective but success is so much deeper than that. Here are a few lessons I've learned in 2018.
1. Believe in yourself.
2. Have an attitude of gratitude
3. Find beauty in the small stuff
4. Exhibit the fruits of the spirit
5. Nurture those relationships that help you grow
6. Prune the things (and people) that deplete you
7. Readers are leaders
8. Have a growth mindset
9. Working on within will spill over to the outside
10. Go to God about everything.

Have a blessed and prosperous New Year.

One Love

Sunday, November 4, 2018


There is nothing more important than starting your day off right. Whatever captures our thoughts when we first awake tends to dictate the direction of our day. I have found these simple morning techniques help to set a positive tone for my day.

1. Go to bed ontime: If your body isn't rested, it's very hard almost impossible to have a productive day where you are energized and functioning at your optimal.

2. No alarms: If you get to bed on time, your body will naturally arise at the right time. If you are dependent on an alarm, use one with soft sounds such as birds chirping that mimics nature.

3. Prayer and Meditation: Does not matter the time I get up, I have to spend quality time praying and meditating on scripture. I have began listening to my thoughts and try controlling my thoughts versus having my thoughts run wild. I have also began meditating on Gods promises, saying them repeatedly and committing them to memory. In addition to prayer and meditation whenever I have the time, I try to read positive books and articles.

4. No Cell Phone: This is a very hard one, do not touch your cell phone first thing, grab the actual bible versus the bible app. In addition to no cell phones, no news, emails or social media at least for the first hour of the day. These tend to put your mind unconsciously in defense mode.

5. Hydration and Exercise: Drinking sufficient water, tea or lemon water rejuvenates and hydrates the body. Exercise is an amazing early morning practice, it gets you perked up and ready for any challenge. Doesn't have to be a burst of sweat but movement does wanders to your body.

These simple steps may help you, ditch the coffee and have a mentally healthy start to your day.

Please share your morning routine. More ideas are always welcomed.

You were made to fly.

One Love

Saturday, October 20, 2018


The last few weeks for me have been stressful to say the least, in many different ways. Goals are not being met and I am trying hard to have it together at home with the kids and in my personal life. Sometimes it seems like a big mess, and more than once, I have found myself in a big funk. So this week I turned to a trusted sister in Christ and she recommended reading a particular scripture that has since been my saving grace; Psalm 37. I have since discovered Psalm 27 as well and have been meditating on both. I have formulated some strategies that I believe helped me get out of the funk.

  1. Count Your Blessings:

Nothing is better when you are in a really bad mental state than begin thinking of  all your blessings. No matter how bad the situation is, you always have people in your corner ready to lift you up and bless you in many different way. Also thinking of how much worse your situation could be or just simply looking at all the positive things you have in your life help. Focusing on the blessings versus whatever is causing your distress is a big blessing.

        2. Reading God's Promises

Take a look at the Psalms and they will uplift you. Psalms 27 and 37 are loaded with what I call "vitamin promises". I suggest reading them over and over again. At times focusing on different parts of the scriptures that touch you each time.

        3. Get up and move

One of the quickest ways to change your mental state is to change your physical state. And the best way to change your physical state is to get up and move. If you can, take a jog, a walk or some sort of quick exercise. If you happen to work up a sweat, thats so much better. I suggest skipping or a quick on the spot jog.

       4. Prayer

Nothing calms my mind like speaking to God about what is casing me distress. I find speaking out loudly to God when I  am distressed really helps to calm my nerves.

      5. Claim the Victory

Become an optimist, dismiss pessimism. You cannot win, if you cannot visualize yourself winning. There is a saying "he who says he can and he who says he can't are both usually correct". Be positive, you will overcome your obstacles.

After posting this blog while praying I was prompted to add a 6th strategy which is : Bless others. Take the time to pray for others, assist those in need. That takes you from a mindset where you're focused on self to focusing on others.

Please forgive me for taking long breaks in between blogs. Thanks for reading. I believe something big and amazing is about to happen in your life.

You were made to FLY.

One Love

Thursday, September 6, 2018

100 TIMES DOWN 1000 TIMES UP!!!!!!

When I was about 6 years old, I invited my friends over because I was intent on building a park in my yard. I grew up in rural Jamaica on an acre and a half of property. My countryside community needed a park for us kids to play, and I felt it was my responsibility to build it.

Fast forward a few decades and I'm still dreaming big, but as I aim high and miss at times I'm determined to give myself a thousand second chances. Earlier today I conversed with two very unique and different young women. One was extremely successful by many peoples' standards. She was making hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly as a young entrepreneur. The other also ventured into doing her own business but didn't hit her target financial goals. Her business not only bled her financially but could no longer sustain itself.  She had to quickly retreat to finding employment. But what I loved most about both women and the take away from both conversations was; never give up, be prepared to give yourself a 1000 second chances.

So no matter what you have been venturing into, the search for love, finding and stepping into your passion by FAITH, desiring to start a family just to name a few, completing that degree, going to med school at age 40, no matter what it is, be prepared when you fall, to give yourself a 1000 second chances.

Take it from me the real estate agent 1000 TIMES over.

You were made to fly!!!!!!!

One Love
