Friday, September 29, 2017


I once met a woman on a plane while flying from NY to Orlando. She had a baby boy that she named Stormy Miracle. That no doubt is a very unique name. The lady explained to me the difficult pregnancy she had and the miracle of her child. I have often thought of that woman and her little Stormy Miracle. The message in that name is powerful and I hope that child uses his name to his advantage.

Nothing in life that is worth having comes at no cost. We pay dearly for the things that are meaningful. The storm of our lives tend to produce outcomes that can be used to our benefit in a positive way. Had I not struggled through undergrad and being an international student, I would have been lacking in my desire for greatness. 

I urge you to welcome the storms in your life, because at the end of the storm, a miracle awaits you. Instead of being broken by the storm use it to build and develop strength and character. Create your own "Stormy Miracle".

One Love

Friday, September 22, 2017


THE HABIT PROJECT: STAYING FOCUSED REGARDLESS: To stay that I am stressed and overwhelmed would be an understatement. There is so much having it togetherness you can have when you place b...


To say that I am stressed and overwhelmed would be an understatement. There is so much having it togetherness you can have when you place baby, toddler and lack of sleep in the mix. I believe also being a mother to a young child there are those jobs that no one else can assist with, like breast feeding and pumping.

Lately I've been struggling to keep it together. What makes my journey at this point in my life more interesting is that I have the opportunity to be mentored by one of the best in a field I'm aspiring to break into, but the timing is bitter sweet. On one hand it would seem as though this is the best time because I'm home and available, but on the other hand, I'm a new mom and that has it's challenges.

However, despite the fact that this situation may not seem ideal, I am deciding to spend more of my time focusing on telling myself that I can do this and I will find success. Being wired for success means getting up and grinding even when the odds seem stacked against you. Michelle Obama spoke of her dad who was diagnosed with MS when she was very young, but very rarely missed a day at work. I call on my WHY whenever the feeling of "why are you pursuing this dream?" Comes rushing at me. I keep my WHY firmly stapled in my head. I have to stay true to my dream. Which means I get UP and GRIND even when I don't feel like it.

One Love

Monday, September 18, 2017


THE HABIT PROJECT: WHY YOUR FEAR IS CRAP: If you ever get lost in the thoughts in your head you know that your thoughts can make or break you. Your mind really can hold you hostage...

Friday, September 15, 2017


If you ever get lost in the thoughts in your head you know that your thoughts can make or break you. Your mind really can hold you hostage with your fear.  It can also take you on amazing journeys. I refuse to allow my fear to cripple me, especially if it's a fear that will hold me captive and limit my growth. But getting to the place where I say bye bye to my fear isn't easy. Today while driving I began looking at my life and one particular fear that has been holding me captive. I'm beginning to realize that what's most important is finding those Fear Stimulated Decisions and doing the exact opposite. For example today I needed to make a few phone calls that were not the most comfortable. As I thought about them I decided to reach out to a few friends instead. BOOM!!!! that was my Fear Stimulated Decision.

It is so important to identify your Fear Stimulated Decision and do the opposite. Just do the thing that you need to get done. After all we know when we are making the wrong decision and we do know how to adjust. Please take my advise, don't allow FEAR to hold you hostage. Take your life back.

Hope you enjoyed this article and attached video. Please leave me a comment.

One Love

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


THE HABIT PROJECT: WHEN FAITH AND FEAR COLLIDE: There are pivotal moments in our lives, moments when God is trying to use us for the purpose or the destiny for which we were created, but w...

Sunday, September 10, 2017


THE HABIT PROJECT: WHEN FAITH AND FEAR COLLIDE: There are pivotal moments in our lives, moments when God is trying to use us for the purpose or the destiny for which we were created, but w...