This year for most people worldwide has been filled with too many negative emotions. So it not strange to lose our grit and find it challenging to move on. Here are 4 simple steps that will take you back from being in that slump to running your race to the finishing line.
1. The bible states, " write the vision and make it plain" which to me is telling the importance of not just writing and or rewriting our goals but placing them in an area where they become visible to you. I also encourage committing your goals to God.
2. Set the restart date and stick to it. I would encourage setting the restart date to be now. Putting things off for a later date only allows us to push it further away.
3. Get rid of your distractions. If you have an abundance of fear determine what's the reason for you being fearful? Verbally talking yourself into taking action when your fear is prompting you to be inactive works. Also thinking about the repercussion of not taking action also helps to drive us towards action.
4. Visualize your end goal. What is the purpose of this goal, what will it look like when the goal is accomplished? If you are a very visual person having a vision board to remind you of what the accomplishment of this goal looks like will help.
Now is the time to get back on track if you have fallen behind.
One Love
Congratulation! I enjoy the article.