Thursday, January 14, 2021


For most of us 2020 started out normal but we watched as overnight life as we knew it came to an abrupt halt. Here are five lessons that I've learned in 2020.

1. Be adaptable and flexible - for many of us, our jobs changed over night to accommodate social distancing guidelines. Many institutions grew others closed their doors. The ones that saw most success were those that found ways to quickly adapt to the new changes. 

2. Be a forward thinker- this goes hand in hand with lesson one. No one saw this crisis coming, but many individuals, organizations and business had already began implementing practices and adapting to the changing world. For example, the personal trainer who had already began doing online training prior to this crisis already had the infrastructure to market and expand. 

3. Set health goals- I cannot over emphasize this one enough. Covid exposed America's biggest dilemma. Many American's have at least two chronic illnesses and that is not ok. It begins with us as individuals taking inventory of our health and wellness. We have to be in the drivers seat when it comes to our health. It is 2021 so  let's put pen to paper and focus on what health means to us and the changes we are going to make to get our bodies healthy. 

4. Set Wealth goals- This is actually number 2 on my lessons learned priority list, health being number 1. As we see unemployment rise, what strategies are we putting in place to insulate ourselves in the wake of another crises? Again put pen to paper and begin writing not just saving goals but be audacious and set wealth goals, break your goals down into bite size pieces and work at them one by one. 

5. Think multiple streams of income - This is also another major lesson learned. I have learned this year that having one stream of income is not enough and not ok. Every single individual have talents and I believe we all have a purpose. If you have a 9 to 5 use your talents in other areas to create income, get a side hustle. There are so many people who will pay you for your skills and expertise. Become a consultant in an area that you are familiar with. If you are not confident increase your knowledge and skill set. Spend time improving on your craft then MARKET IT. 

I have learned many lessons in 2020 but these five are some of my top ones. Over time I will share the others.

One Love