Thursday, January 28, 2021


 One thing I love about professional sports is watching people who have put their absolute best into their craft and compete against each other. I am not the most competitive person, but it may be a quality I should encourage.

It's been a year since we lost Kobe. I have to admit I love the mamba state of mind. Yes Kobe was talented, but not the most talented, yes Kobe was gifted in basketball, but not the most gifted. What separated Kobe was his ridiculous none stop drive to be his absolute best. He would never be outworked. It was that mindset, that mentality, that energy, that persistence that drove his success to dominate the courts.

The next time you watch basket ball or the superbowl, or any sports event for that matter, do not watch it just for entertainment. Watch it with a desire to take some of the habits that creates the best.

One Love
