Friday, February 26, 2021


 A few days ago I was listening to one of my favorite podcasters in the motivational space talk about maximizing on your goals. I always thought monthly goal check ins were the way to go but his tips took it a step further. I decided to give it a try and honestly I love it. Here are his tips combined with a few that I gained from the book The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People .

A. Categorize your goals. Your goals fall into one of four quadrants 

1. Urgent and Important  

2. Not urgent and important 

3. Urgent and not important 

4. Not urgent and not important 

When you sit to write your goals place them in one of these categories before putting together your daily tasks. Many days we find ourselves going through the day outing fires and at the end of it all nothing of substance has been accomplished.

B. After determining the goal or goals you are going to work on that day you now write down your task list. To maximize on your task you have to place them in one of the four quadrants. If you are sincere with yourself you will eliminate the tasks that only serve to make you feel good vs tackling the task that you have been avoiding but plays an integral role in pushing the needle towards your goal. In other words stop doing not urgent not important work for the sake of feeling busy.

C. This is the secret sauce- Do hourly goal check ins. YES set your phone to alarm every hour and check in on yourself. Take 3 minutes to evaluate:

What have I accomplished 

How has it pushed me towards my goals 

Have I wasted any time and effort 

What needs to be improved.

One Love


1 comment:

  1. Great food for thought. We are often busy doing not urgent not important things and the other quadrants never get done.
