Friday, February 17, 2023


My day started at 4am, did my morning worship for half hour, worked for an hour, out the door and at the gym by 5:45am, home by 6:45am, off to take my little princess to school by 7:30am. Thats the mom life. 

One of my emphasis this year is to step up my health game. I had a conversation with my girlfriend about diet and exercise and how in the US there is this emphasis more on appearance versus health. I would encourage focusing more on health and less on size or appearance. 

Earlier this year I had my annual blood work done and boy was I surprised the changes that happened in my body over the course of a year. These changes, (not positive ones) were a big wake up call for me as it uncovered the results of me not being more intentional about my health.

Take the time to get a quick blood work if you have not already done so, use that as your baseline and begin your journey to a healthier new you. 

One Love


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