When I was ten years old I had one desire and that was to pass my common entrance exam which would qualify me for the 7th grade. Ten years later and my goal was just a more advanced version of my 10 year old goal. I was 20, I had dropped out of college because I could not afford it and I desperately wanted a new start. So my dream was to study abroad. A few years earlier when I left high school, I left with only three subjects. For those of you who may not understand the Caribbean or British education system leaving high school with only three subjects meant I had failed. I continued that pattern into college, not really failing but not excelling. Studying abroad meant that I could erase that past of failure and move forward. So at age 20 I worked on that goal and accomplished it.
The years leading up to age 30 were growing years. I was working odd jobs here and there to make ends meet, living with my aunt and despirately needing my permanent residency or greencard. By age 30 I was newly married but still trying to figure out life as a wife, becoming employed, and holding my own. My 30s brought me three beautiful kids and many other blessings.
Now that I am officially 40, I feel a sense of accomplishment mixed with a burning desire to grow, stretch and excel. I have learned through the years to allow my faith to be my backbone, especially during those years of navigating the immigrant struggles on the streets of New York.
My hope and desire is that as I gracefully navigate 40 and onwards I will become the woman that I desire to be. I will show up with excellence and grace with my head held high. I want to be fearless, focused and FORTY!!!!
One Love