Thursday, January 26, 2023


A few days ago while walking to my car I thought to myself what brought me to this place at this time. What thought patterns, what decisions, what’s fears and insecurities, what strengths brought me to this moment in time. It was almost 6pm, I am on my way to my car, I had not seen my kids since 7am and I felt that question in my head, am I an available mom, is this really what I want to be my daily lifestyle? Is this how I want to show up to my kids? 


Many of us have these challenging questions as we review our decisions and see how we played the game of life. We went about life choosing security. Security is doing what everyone else does and expects us to do, security is staying within and conforming to the stories we were told about ourselves, security is choosing the job that pays the bills even though it does not align with who we know we are inside. Security is challenging ourselves to a point and no further. That security is limited security. 


Limitless security is unsecure at first. Its challenging ourselves outside of our comfort zone. It is taking a leap of faith, its coloring outside the box, its getting in arguments and disagreements with our loved ones who see our decisions as out of line and none conforming. Limitless security is being afraid but doing what we know is the best decision anyway. But on the other side of those challenges, pain, fear, fights and faith is the blessing of security that is limitless.


I challenge you to take the challenge.


One Love



Thursday, January 12, 2023


Not sure if I told you but I absolutely love the book of Joshua chapter 1 in the bible. Here is the reason why. I exist in a state of fear, and this fear carries over into many decisions or mostly indecisions and at times can be interpreted as being lackadaisical or nonchalant. I hate my fear, I really do. So in 2023 I’m grasping hold of Joshua chapter 1. 


Here are some verses to help you in your fight with internal fear and feelings of inferiority:


1. Verse 3; "I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses."


2. Verse 5; "No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you."


3. Verse 6; "Be strong and courageous."


4. Verse 7; "Be strong and very courageous.


5. Verse 9; Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Be fearless, be confident, be YOU.

One Love





Thursday, January 5, 2023


It has been a long time since we caught up. I must say, getting to pen and paper these days is hard. However, pen and paper aside I have to say, there are tough times ahead for the American economy and the world economy. As if covid isn't enough, add recession, RSV and the flu, it is tough. 

So this year on January 1st, 2023 my hubby and I decided to work on our monthly budget. We started by writing down all our bills and charitable contributions, our kids extra curricular activities and the list goes on. It was an eye opening experience. I always wrote my bills on paper, in a journal but this time, having both our bills written out on an excel spreadsheet was different. I honestly cannot believe we have been winging it all these years. Guys, if you have been doing this, that’s great, but if you have not, please pull that old computer or tablet out and begin tracking your spending. 

I believe this year is going to be hard for many of us, so it is very important to begin trimming away those extras. 

Another important thing this year has been investments. I am not a financial guru, but I think there are many opportunities for people to build wealth, even despite the current state of the economy. Another important fact is multiple streams of income. After all (in true Jamaican accent) one an caant clap.

Make 2023 the year of your dreams. 


One Love






Thursday, November 17, 2022


Last week one of my girlfriends texted me for my birthday and asked me how I was doing. As usual I responded about the family, my parents, work and I felt that covered the basics. Then she asked me "outside of you being a mom and kids, how are "you" doing?" I sort of didn't really know how to answer that question and probably still don't, because everything in my life is so intertwined, its hard to separate the various pieces. 

As I self reflect, life is hard, I am a mom, I am a wife, I am a breadwinner in my home, I have big goals and amazingly big dreams. I am also a caregiver to my mom who has been experiencing declining health and also the guardian of an aunt in a nursing home whose health issues are even more complicated than my mom's. 

If you know me personally, you probably wouldn't understand or even believe the level of responsibility, and that for me is my biggest blessing. My biggest blessing is that God has blessed me with the ability to view life through the lenses of my blessings versus viewing the hardships that I face. I strongly believe that there are beauties and blessings in all of our hardships. At this point in my life I get to spend time with my mom, I get to be available for my aunt and make decisions and advocate for her care when no one else was available, I get my dad and mom to help us raise our kids when it would have been even harder if they were not here. 

Back to the "how am I doing" question,  I feel incredibly blessed. I dance with my kids, I go apple picking with my cousin, and I get to see my church family and enjoy that community on the weekend. I get to refine and redefine my strength.


Btw.... if you are overwhelmed, ALWAYS ASK FOR HELP!!!!

What’s your biggest blessing? 


One Love




Thursday, November 10, 2022


Last Friday morning when I left my home I promised my baby girl Krissy that I would be right back. All I needed to do was drive about 20 minutes to drop my older kids off to school, then twenty minutes back home. As I drove home I chatted on the phone with my husband, relaying a few events that happened the day before. As I pulled into an intersection to make a left turn 5 minutes from my house, I was rear ended by a distracted driver. My day changed after that. All the plans I had for the next few hours were exchanged by cops, ambulance, EMT and a trip to the emergency room. 

I promised Krissy I would be right back. 

Nothing is promised, live in the moment, invest in experiences with your loved ones, put your financials in order, most importantly strengthen your relationship with God. 

I promised Krissy I would be right back.

One Love



Thursday, November 3, 2022



Earlier today I had a little chat about confidence with my eight year old daughter. I told her about an interview that I watched with Patricia Bright, a British youtuber who is extremely successful. One of things I admire about Patricia Bright is her confidence on camera. During the interview Patricia spoke about what she calls " delusional confidence" its the type of confidence that you have when it doesn't occur to you that you can actually fail. Man can I have some of that? 

I think back on the days when migrating to the US as a foreign student and working my way through college was the only option. That took delusional confidence. During that time, it never occurred to me that I could fail. Was is challenging? Yes, did I pull through? Absolutely. But it took guts, grit and delusional confidence. 

Stop telling yourself NO. I saw a quote today that said, "Pray Big! Then stand back and see what God will do.


One Love




Thursday, October 27, 2022


A few nights ago, I got up and was in prayer and heard God say to me "blog about persevering down the wrong path".  So here I am writing a blog about persevering down the wrong path.

Lately I have been feeling unaligned and out of focus with the things that fuel and drive me. I shared with my girlfriends that I was on this career journey that leaves me unfulfilled. I am just not fueling my true passions and purpose as I believe I should. Have you ever felt that tug? If you have, you know the intensity of the feeling. 

One of the stories in the bible I love is the story of Joseph. I would suggest (even if you are not a Christian) to spend some time reading it. In that story we see Joseph persevering and working hard and being successful, but it is clear that it is the wrong path.

Here are the lessons I have learned from this story:

 1. There are times when we are persevering down the wrong path, but we are not clear on our purpose and the true path that God intends for us. If that is how you feel, work hard, be intentional about your learning and mentorship and seek opportunities for growth. It will become very clear what your purpose is and what you should do.        

2. There are times when we are persevering down the wrong path and we are clear about our purpose and the true path God intends for us, during those times put together a strategy and set a deadline for moving into your calling. 

Don't allow fear to keep you persevering down the wrong path. 


One Love



Please see my latest youtube video