It may seem weird when people speak about the power of affirmations and positive self talk. But I honestly can testify that thinking and speaking positively to and about yourself will absolutely change your perception of self and who you become in the process.
I tested this for myself. I was
very insecure about my knowledge and expertise at work and always doubted
myself to speak up in meetings or even second guessed myself with simple tasks
such as sending emails.
Here are some self talk and
action steps or techniques that I have used in order to boost my confidence.
1. I tell myself that I do not
have to be an expert at everything. No one is.
2. I say to myself sometimes
out loud " Danielle you know what you are doing, be confident and do not
doubt yourself.
3. I tell myself that everyone
makes mistakes.
4. I am finding ways to learn,
grow and improve at my craft and skillset, this has increased my knowledge and
my confidence
5. Here are some questions I
ask myself before bed or in the morning .
- What are the four things
I am grateful for today?
- What the four tasks I
want to accomplish today?
- What are the four things
that if I engage in these four activities I will win the day?
- What are four ways I can
serve someone else or give back today?
- What are four ways I can
show appreciation to my loved ones today?
- How do I want to show up
to the world today?
6. I set limits on the habits I wish to disassociate from but have a hard time controlling.
7. Last but not least, I pray about it. Very and most important step.
share your helpful techniques for affirming yourself.