A few nights ago I got home, fed
the kids, gave my three year old a bath, curled up for story time, watched them
fall asleep then left for the gym.
Earlier that evening I was
listening to a podcast and the person being interviewed was asked how she found
the courage to consistently run long distances. Her answer to that question
was,” I just start”.
As Kaity was drifting off to
sleep I said to her, Kaity, it is getting so late I may just exercise
downstairs. But something in her voice and the question she asked made me
reconsider breaking the promise I made to myself. Her question was "so
your not gonna go to the gym?" It was non-judgmental but I knew I had to
show up to her the way I expect her to show up.
How do I define failure? Failure
is repeatedly not keeping the promises we make to ourselves.
It is simple just start, for some
the weight of the journey immobilizes us. In those situations keep your head
focused only on the next step. So in my case it did not matter how long I
needed to run on the treadmill, all I needed to do was start and keep going one
step at a time.
Keep going. Continue keeping
those promises you make to yourself.
One Love