A few mornings ago I woke up mentally stressed, slight headache, physically exhausted, and breathing heavy. But what was worse were the thoughts going through my head. Every single negative thought was racing through my mind and literally forcing through my veins. Although this I am sure is a far cry from a mental health break down, I knew if I continued along that path, eventually I would get there.
After soul searching and praying here is what I decided to do.
1. Turn off the noise- I consume a lot of self help, or self improvement content. That over time had me telling myself that I was just not hitting the mark and need to work harder and set bigger goals. Yes thats great information, but it too has its place. Another source of noise was the news. As I read what popped up on my news feed and scrolled through social media, my anxiety level only increased.
2. Increase entertainment- something I hardly do, but I had to find ways of giving me a belly laugh or at least send some positive hormones through my veins.
Please share, what are the ways you destress and how do you take care of your mental health?
One Love